Capture Buyer Feedback at Open Houses with SurveyStance Realtors

Buyer Feedback with Feedback Kiosks

Setup a Feedback Kiosk within the open house to capture real time buyer feedback on various topics like ‘Do you plan on putting in an offer‘ or ‘Do you think this house is priced right‘.

Buyer Feedback with
QR Code Surveys

Create a Survey, Download the QR Code, Select some Artwork and you’re ready to go!

Post the signage within the open house or house for sale and allow potential buyers or agents give you quick feedback by scanning the qr code and answering a few questions.

Open House Survey Questions

How SurveyStance Kiosks Works

Feedback Kiosk (iPad Based)

1. Select Question

Select the questions you want displayed on your SurveyStance iPad.

2. Place iPad Kiosk

Launch SurveyStance and place iPad w/ Stand at your open house in a high foot traffic area.

3. Buyer Completes Survey

Buyer taps various happy faces as they walk through the Open House to give feedback on the question displayed on iPad.

4. Dashboard & Notifications

Review incredible dashboard reports on buyer feedback. Get instant notifications for any poor feedback.

iPad Emoji App

Open House Survey Feedback KioskFeedback from Buyers

Everyday thousands of buyers come and go through open houses and the only way for Listing Agents to capture the buyer feedback is through conversations and outdated paper surveys.  By not allowing buyers to give anonymous feedback in a quick and easy format will keep you and the home sellers in the dark.  We have revolutionized the open house feedback process!

We have spent years developing our SurveyStance Feedback Survey which we believe is the best way for Realtors to get the highest survey response results from buyers at open houses.

How does SurveyStance Open House Kiosk Work?

You can review in detail How it Works, in short we provide an iPad, Stand, and Software to place in heavy traffic areas at your open house.  Buyers who are attending your open house can provide quick and easy feedback by tapping a range of emojis (smiley faces, thumbs up/down, stars, etc) to respond to the corresponding survey question displayed.  By making the open house survey questions easy to answer you will increase the number of buyer survey responses.  Once the simple survey question is answered you can turn on key features like “share your email address” or “tell us more” to further interact with the buyer.

Tracking Open House Buyer Feedback Results

Once your open house buyers start to give feedback on what they like and don’t like about the house those results are sent to the cloud and summarized for detailed reporting viewable by Realtor and designated real estate agent associates. You will also have access to optional free form text left by you customers.

Real Time Alerts

Real Estate Agents love the instant text message alerts they receive from the buyer kiosks.  Imagine a family comes in to tour your open house, while they are upstairs they see the SurveyStance Kiosk and give feedback about the house.  That feedback is instantly sent to you via text message and so by the time they come down you already know!  All this buyer survey data is also sent to the cloud for later viewing.

Request More Information:

Start capturing open house feedback fromOpen House Feedback buyers now with the Survey Stance Realtor Feedback Kiosk.  We provide everything you need to get setup (including iPad and iPad Survey App).  Contact us today to get a live demo on how our open house buyer survey kiosks work, we know you’re going to love it!